Mindful Triathlon

One of the ways I keep my mind fresh, and myself humble, is reading. I like exercising my curiosity, so I read about everything; books, articles and any research on any subject that catches my attention.

Yesterday I bumped into an USA today article: “Since election, yoga rises off the mat to take on Donald Trump”. (To see the full article click here).

The article talks about how Yoga practice is on the rise after the US elections and how typical drops in New Year’s resolutions is minimal.

In that same article I found the genius idea of Sean Hoess and his Wanderlust organization. He calls it “Mindful Triathlon”. Wanderlust organizes festivals around the US that promote Yoga and meditation. These festivals also include  lectures, music, and excursions. As part of their activities, they also organize the Mindful Triathlon, consisting of a 5K run, a meditation session and a Yoga session.  Find more at wanderlust.com

I thought this was such a great idea, given that it brings together mind, body, and soul. I found that even though many of us already do this practice in our weekly and daily routine – it must be even more enjoyable in a group setting.

So why not bringing together your friends even for a bachelorette or bachelor celebration and spend a day doing this mindful Triathlon together?

You could invent your own. In my case, I’ve done: 1 hour running, 1 Hour Mandala Meditation and 45-50 minutes of Yoga. Use this as a detox for your mind. Think of it as pushing a reset button when you feel overwhelmed, or super stressed. I guarantee it works and its effects will ripple throughout the week.

The One Vegan breakfast that will boost your entire day!

Like so many people, I don’t have time to waste in the mornings. I’ve managed to follow the suggestion of world leaders in productivity and meditation in order to create my morning routine. The price to pay is that I have to wake up earlier – but the benefits are worth it. I maintain a positive attitude towards my job and keep myself quite energized and mindful throughout the day.

First big difference: It takes more to make me lose my patience

Second big difference: I’m looking forward to working out at my regular schedule; and I am way more careful with what I eat during the week.

I have empirically tested this, by deliberately not following my year-old morning routine. The fact is that, each time I do that, I eat worse and don’t work out as well.

In order to have time to enjoy my breakfast without sacrificing more of my sleep, I tend to prepare it in advance and try to keep it simple – yet energetic and delicious.

And to keep your morning full of flavor, I have two breakfast suggestion that have worked wonders for me; with the added value that you would be cutting down low energy carbs and detoxifying yourself.

Mondays and Wednesdays

I use this one on Mondays and Wednesdays – simply because I’m still full from the weekend (Monday) or it’s a day where I tend to eat out a bit more (Wednesday).

1 Spoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water. This should be the very first thing you take.

2 Apples or pears cut in quarters with a spoon of organic peanut butter.

1 cup of Coffee


Get your sand mandala set and experience a new level of mindfulness. Click here!

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

I took this recipe from an excellent book my girlfriend was reading and I strongly suggest you to read it too:

Oh She glows Cook Book – Vegan recipes to Glow from the inside out’ by Angela Liddon

First, don’t forget your 1 Spoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water. This should be the very first thing you take.

Next, In a small bowl, whisk together 1 cup of Organic rolled oats, 1 ½  cup of almond milk, ¼ cup of chia seeds, 1 large mashed banana and ½ a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Cover and refrigerate overnight to thicken.

In the morning, simply stir the mixture to combine. Serve in a jar or parfait dish alternating layers of the mixture with fresh fruits – my personal favorites include blackberries, strawberries and raspberries, topped with nuts. I usually go with a nut mix, cashews, or walnuts. And add some hemp seed or pumpkin seeds.
Try to set aside at least 15 to 25 minutes to have your breakfast mindfully. This will work wonders for the rest of your day. If you don’t believe me, try to make a sand mandala the week you try it.

Namaste, Mother F**ker

Whenever you seek advice in fields as varied as management, entrepreneurship, meditation, fitness, yoga, leadership, or diet, you’ll see the same buzz words: embrace change, balance, mindfulness, think out of the box, let go etc, etc.

After almost every yoga practice you’ll hear “Namaste”, but many of us don’t really stop to think what this really means, and even less, how we can carry that meaning with us once we step off of the yoga mat.

I have now pondered on this for a while, and I’ve come to realize certain things that you might find helpful in everyday life. Let me share these with you. Continue reading

5 Practical Suggestions for Practical Women

Women these days are showing the world just how bad-ass they can be. There are various examples of their success in the corporate world, as athletes, philanthropists, and professionals of all kinds. This success is, without a doubt, inspiring change we can all be proud of. This advancement, however, has come at a price. It seems that every woman I know complains about being exhausted. Throughout the life of this blog we have studied alternatives recommended by specialist regarding a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Here is a summary of 5 very practical recommendations targeting women of today. Continue reading